Are you still struggling to get defined twists? Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Twists/twist outs for naturals are pretty popular to say the least. However, some people still struggle with mastering their twists to get a defined take down. Also, this client left her twists (which most do because they don’t want to do a day under the dryer lol) so there’s no take down to see.
Some easy tips to keep in mind when wanting to achieve definition and less frizz with twists: take two even sections(even in thickness and length) twist all the way down without grabbing hair as you twist. Also, when removing unravel the exact opposite way you twisted. Fluff at the roots and do not separate the twists. Let the twists fluff out on their own over the next few days. The main problem people experiences they simply do not know when to leave well enough aloooooone.Too much fluffing and picking will cause frizziness
Products used: Creme de la curls and Macadamia oil styling foam. I typically use the foam because it dries faster than cream! If you prefer cream The Juicy Twist Duo is my go to.