About Yolanda Victoria
Yolanda Victoria is the owner of Gorgeous Strands natural hair salon and natural hair products in Houston, Texas. At Gorgeous Strands curly and coily hair is the focus. Over the past ten plus years Yolanda has helped countless women (and men) transition their hair back to its natural state. Since working with curly hair one of the questions that clients would always ask is "What can I use on my hair for styling?" Over the years it has been discovered that the average person with natural hair is struggling with what hair products to use to style for their hair at home. In comes the product side of Gorgeous Strands. Who better to create a hair product line than someone that uses the products everyday on all types of natural hair and can provide information on exactly how to use it on your particular hair? Yolanda has always taught her clients about properly caring for their hair at home and wanted to create a product line where the guess work could be removed! She knew people needed styling direction for at home care and wanted to show them the way!
Natural hair styling products should not be so overwhelming, leave that for other areas of your life! You should a have a few staples that can be used for all of your natural hair styling needs! In Yolanda's experience of standing behind the chair working with different natural textures, densities and porosities you can use whatever styling products, of course with quality ingredients, you want! Yes, you read it right. However, the secret to successfully using the same products on different hair is the technique! The more the hair the more products needed/the less dense the hair is the less styling product is needed.
Here you will not see product labels that read "a dime size" when WE know that is not the truth. Product amount depends on the hair amount. Products information and videos of Yolanda in action using the products on her actual clients, will periodically be posted to show the products used on different types of hair while focusing on different techniques for the differing waves, curls and coils.
Stay tuned! There's more to come, for sure!