What natural hair products work on my hair dense hair?
We get tons of questions about whether or not my products work on dense and/or tightly coiled hair. The short answer: yes. The less short answer: As a natural hair stylist I work with ALL dense hair all the time and honestly my products were created for me to use on my clients everyday because I couldn’t find products that consistently produced the results I wanted. When a client is paying you to do their hair I MUST produce consistent results. You think YOU had issues what do think about ME someone that work with ALL of you lol. Just keep that in mind when you are wondering if my products will work for your hair. If I can’t find it I will create it or pay someone to create it for me lol.
The difference in my products is they were tested on all clients with all hair types before it was made available to purchase. Most natural hair brands were created by being used on one persons head because of their passion. These products were created because of OUR passion with our hair and wanting to use what works. Besides, why not use what the professionals use?!
The difference in my products is they were tested on all clients with all hair types before it was made available to purchase. Most natural hair brands were created by being used on one persons head because of their passion. These products were created because of OUR passion with our hair and wanting to use what works. Besides, why not use what the professionals use?!
With all of that being said, when creating this product the thought was to make sure this product could be used on every.one. Seriously.
The client pictured has Creme de la curls and Mango Butter curling jellie to define her curls.