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Does curl type really matter?

Does curl type really matter? - Gorgeous Strands Retail

Speak of curl typing always goes in the wrong direction. Rightfully so. As a natural hair stylist in Houston and the creator of natural hair products I have met and worked with way too many people that do not like their hair because of what their elders, school mates or family members told them early on. So on the surface speaking on curl types feels like more division. However, once you actually start to pay attention to hair and see thousands of different natural hair clients you realize that there is a a difference in size.

So the question, does curl type matter? Short answer, yes. Not in "good hair" "bad hair" way that trigger the negative response when mentioning curl type. In my professional opinion I preach how to take small sections to get the proper definition. If you do not know what your size curl (read: type) is how do you know what to define? Initially when training curls you are training them to clump. If you do not know what these curls look like, how are you to go curl by curl in the beginning to help give said curl direction? 

I get it, some people genuinely just want to know their curl pattern. Curl size and type is an identifier and a part of who people are. Similar to wanting to know my skin type or tone. 

In the end curl type matters but so do other factors like frizz level, strand circumference, hydration, density, porosity, strand type (I will post about this later), life style (are you a heavy sweater at night?) and a few other things! In the end learn to look for the beauty in your natural hair and love your curls no matter what type, density or length it is. We when learn to truly love the hair that grows out of our head we can learn to embrace the journey, care for and nurture our curls, coils, kinks and waves in a way that makes this natural hair journey beautiful! 💕